866-677-2629 Phone Number: A Comprehensive Guide

866-677-2629 Phone Number


The 866-677-2629 phone number is linked to Northstar Location Services, a known debt collection agency that has garnered multiple user reports regarding collection calls. Many individuals who have interacted with this number have described it as making persistent debt-related calls, often perceived as harassing. While its primary function appears to be debt recovery, users have also reported issues such as robocalls, no-answer calls, and sometimes potential violations of debt collection regulations. If you’ve received calls from the 866-677-2629 phone number, it’s crucial to understand your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which protects consumers from aggressive or unlawful collection tactics​(

What is the 866-677-2629 Phone Number?

The 866-677-2629 phone number is commonly associated with Northstar Location Services, a debt collection agency that handles various accounts. Calls from this number are typically related to outstanding debt, and many recipients report repeated attempts to collect payments. While the agency’s purpose is to recover owed funds, some users have expressed concerns about the frequency and nature of these calls. Knowing your rights when dealing with any debt collector contacting you via the phone number is essential.

Debt Collection Calls from the 866-677-2629 Phone Number

If you’ve received a call from the 866-677-2629 phone number, chances are it’s related to a debt you may owe. Northstar Location Services often uses this number to contact individuals about overdue payments. Debt collection agencies must follow specific rules under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which limits how and when they can contact you. If you feel harassed by the phone number, it’s essential to know that legal options may be available.

866-677-2629 Phone Number

Reports of Harassment Linked to the 866-677-2629 Phone Number

Many users have reported the 866-677-2629 phone number for making harassing calls, often described as persistent and sometimes inappropriate in timing. These calls may occur multiple times daily or continue after the recipient has requested the calls to stop. In some cases, users have noted that the calls violate federal debt collection laws, mainly outside legally permitted hours. If you are dealing with unwanted calls from the phone number, there are ways to address the issue.

Robocalls from the Phone Number

The 866-677-2629 phone number has also been identified as a source of robocalls, automated calls to contact individuals about debts. Robocalls are generally less personalised and may be used to remind individuals of outstanding balances. However, some users have expressed frustration with these automated calls, mainly if they occur frequently. If the phone number contacts you through robocalls, you can ask for these calls to stop.

Identifying the Phone Number

The 866-677-2629 phone number is part of the toll-free 866 area code, often used by businesses for customer service or debt collection. Northstar Location Services uses this number to contact individuals across the U.S. concerning debts. Although the company may have legitimate reasons for contacting you, always verify the caller’s identity before providing personal information. If you’re unsure about a call from the phone number, it’s best to consult a professional or check for additional details online.

Legal Rights When Contacted by the 866-677-2629 Phone Number

When receiving calls from the 866-677-2629 phone number, it’s crucial to understand your legal rights. Under the FDCPA, debt collectors like Northstar Location Services are prohibited from using abusive tactics. They cannot call you before 8 AM or after 9 PM, nor can they use threats or intimidation. If you believe the phone number violates your rights, you can file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or seek legal advice.

866-677-2629 Phone Number

Blocking the 866-677-2629 Phone Number

If you’re overwhelmed by calls from the 866-677-2629 phone number, blocking the number might provide temporary relief. While this won’t resolve the debt, it can help minimise harassment. Many smartphones and service providers allow users to block specific numbers, including toll-free numbers like 866-677-2629. Be sure to document all interactions with the phone number, as this could be helpful if you need to take legal action.

Potential Scams Linked to the 866-677-2629 Phone Number

Though primarily associated with debt collection, some reports suggest that the phone number may have been used in scams. Fraudulent calls might attempt to gather personal information under the guise of debt collection. Always be cautious when providing sensitive information over the phone. If you receive a suspicious call from the phone number, hang up and verify the call’s legitimacy by contacting the company directly through an official number.

Steps to Take If Harassed by the Phone Number

If you feel harassed by repeated calls from the phone number, there are several steps you can take. Start by sending a written request to Northstar Location Services asking them to stop contacting you. Record each call’s dates, times, and content if the calls persist. This information can support a claim under the FDCPA, which protects you from debt collector harassment. You can also consult with an attorney specialising in consumer protection laws.

866-677-2629 Phone Number

Filing a Complaint About the 866-677-2629 Phone Number

If you believe the 866-677-2629 phone number has violated your rights, filing a complaint might be the best action. You can report the number to agencies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). These organisations monitor and regulate debt collection practices. By filing a complaint about the phone number, you not only protect yourself but also help others who may be facing similar issues.


The phone number is primarily associated with Northstar Location Services, a debt collection agency. While the company’s primary function is to recover unpaid debts, the frequency and nature of the calls from this number have led to numerous complaints of harassment, robocalls, and potential violations of debt collection laws. Knowing your rights when receiving such calls is essential, as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects consumers from abusive collection practices. If you’re receiving unwanted or suspicious calls from the phone number, consider taking steps to block the number or file a complaint with relevant authorities to protect yourself from further harassment.

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